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Forensic analyses often involve the extraction of analytes, including small molecules, drugs, heavy metals and nucleic acids from some of the toughest samples.
Bones, tissues, and teeth are routinely prepared for nucleic acid extraction as these structures have proven useful for housing varying amounts of genomic and mitochondrial DNA even under postmortem conditions.
Long after soft tissues have degraded both bone and teeth can be prepared using bead mill technology to harvest nucleic acids for sequencing or PCR based detection assays.
Hair trace analysis has also been a significant forensic analysis tool for decades. Hair samples can be prepared on the Bead Ruptor bead mills for wet grinding, dry grinding or cryo-milling to extract small molecules such as illicit drugs, steroids and hormones.
Bead Ruptor Elite
The Bead Ruptor Elite is the most advanced and easy to use bead mill homogenizer available. Specifically designed for grinding, lysing, and homogenizing biological samples prior to molecular extraction.
VIEW PRODUCTBead Ruptor 96
The Bead Ruptor 96 is ideal for labs requiring high through bead mill processing with the capability to dissociated up to 384 samples per processing cycle.